Lost Your Car Keys?

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     So you don’t remember where, and you have searched high and low with no luck. The only thing you know for sure is your keys are gone. Now What?
     Not so long ago, misplacing—or worse, losing—your car keys wasn’t a big deal. You might even have had a spare attached to your car in a little box, stuck to the inside of the bumper. But as cars have gotten more technologically advanced, so have their keys. We will avoid lecturing you on the reasons why everyone needs a spare car key. Not all keys are universal, so when you have a car key lost without a spare you need to pay attention to the type of key that you had, so that you know which key you need to get.
What type of key have you lost?
Transponder Key – If you have a fairly modern car, there is a high possibility that you have a programmed transponder key coupled with a keyless entry remote, or that you only have the transponder key. Most cars that were manufactured after the late 90’s come with transponder keys.
Keyless Entry Remote – Keyless entry remotes are commonly referred to as key fobs. In some cars, these key fobs are paired with transponder keys. However, within the past few years, newer car models have done away with the transponder key and rely solely on the keyless entry remotes.
Traditional Car Keys – Traditional car keys are the old faithful. They have been around for years and they are relatively easy to replace or duplicate. These kinds of keys are a staple in much older vehicles unless they have been retrofitted to accommodate modern technology.
The good news is Dependable Lock Service of Nashua can make you new keys no matter which style you have.
. They can be made on-site, at your home or where the car was last before the keys went missing, or you can have your vehicle towed to us.
. You must be the owner of the car and provide us with a license and registration that match.
. We accept NH AAA. AAA covers a portion of the locksmith cost, the portion it covers depends on the type of membership you have.
. We can usually provide same day service.
Also, you may want us to make you a spare set while we’re at it?


Call (603) 886-0559